HOW TO INSTALL MARBOLO If you've been working with Windows and ATM or TrueType, you probably already have your own methodology for adding them in. After proper installation and a re-boot of Windows, open Windows Write and retrieve the enclosed file named "SAMPLES(x).WRI." It will confirm that you have properly installed Marbolo and will show you samples of 14 more fonts that you can buy for a song. See the file "15FONTS.TXT" for details. TRUETYPE INSTALLATION: Simply open the Windows 3.1 Control Panel, click on fonts, and follow the intuitive procedure to add the fonts. POSTSCRIPT INSTALLATION: Run ATMCNTL.EXE to add new fonts. Follow ATM instructions or use your intuition. If you use ATM, you may have to manually change the entry in your WIN.INI file so that your printer will download your new font whenever it's called for. If you get Courier instead of the new font, then your printer probably didn't download the file. To fix the problem, add the path to the new font's .PFB file as in the following example. softfont42=c:\your-pfm-path\newfont.pfm,C:\YOUR-PFB-PATH\NEWFONT.PFB The comma and all-caps section is what you'll have to add. The first half of the entry will have already been made by ATM. MANUAL POSTSCRIPT INSTALLATION and ADDING COREL .WFNs: This is the method I use so that I'll know exactly what's being done and that it IS done. Using the new font (e.g. named "NewFont"): 1. If you have Corel, copy the file NEWFONT.WFN into the directory that has your other .WFNs. Edit the CORELDRW.INI file under [CorelDrwFonts]: NewFont=1 newfont.wfn 0 2. Locate the directory that has all of your existing .PFM files and copy the new .PFM file to that directory. Locate your .PFB files and copy the new one there. 3. In your Windows directory (probably), locate and edit ATM.INI under [Fonts]: NewFont=c:\your-pfm-path\newfont.pfm,c:\your-pfb-path\newfont.pfb The name used before the = sign is case-sensitive. 4. In your Windows directory, edit WIN.INI under [PostScript,LPT1] and/or anyplace else you find a complete listing of your fonts. You need to increment the softfonts number by 1 for each new font added, per the following example: If your listing reads: softfonts=41 then change it to softfonts=42 Then go down past the last current listing (i.e. softfont41=xxxx) And add the following line softfont42=c:\your-pfm-path\newfont.pfm,c:\your-pfb-path\newfont.pfb Leave off the comma and .pfb portion if you don't want the font automatically downloaded (temporarily) whenever it's called for. You would then have to manually download that font or else it will print in Courier. 5. You must go from Windows to DOS and then back for the above changes to take effect. 6. An .AFM file is included in case you have a need for it.